In the first major visit since the launch of the refreshed National Shipbuilding Strategy earlier this year, Defence Secretary and Shipbuilding Tsar Ben Wallace visited A&P Falmouth.
His visit follows the refreshed National Shipbuilding Strategy, published in March, which set out more than £4 billion of government investment for the shipbuilding sector over the next three years, with a 30-year pipeline of more than 150 naval and commercial vessels.
During the visit, the Shipbuilding Tsar met A&P apprentices who are developing the skills and knowledge to bolster the British shipbuilding industry into the future.
Defence Secretary and Shipbuilding Tsar, Ben Wallace, said: “What I have seen in the south-west is a vibrant, thriving hub of global shipbuilding where cutting-edge innovation and skilled craftsmanship is being supported by more than four billion pounds worth of government-wide investment in the sector.
“Meeting with young apprentices across these yards, where they are leading in highly skilled and varied roles has been hugely encouraging.”
David McGinley, Chief Executive Officer Cammell Laird Shiprepairers and Shipbuilders Ltd, Atlantic and Peninsula Marine Services said: “The National Shipbuilding Strategy Refresh has come at a critical time for British shipyards and the wider supply chain, providing greater certainty of future UK shipbuilding projects, injecting vital confidence into the sector.”
“The Defence Secretary’s visit to A&P Falmouth provided a platform for our business to share our strategy for the future and showcase our ongoing commitment to investing in our facilities and growing apprenticeship programme.
“A&P Falmouth is part of a global business which provides vital shipbuilding, ship repair, maintenance and support to the Royal Navy, Royal Fleet Auxiliary and commercial marine sector.
“We look forward to working with the UK Government to deliver key pillars of the National Shipbuilding Strategy.”