

A&P Group provides huge potential for skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled employment in engineering trades in the North East and South West, and has played a pivotal role sustaining vital jobs in our local communities.

Our aim is to provide sustainable employment for the communities and industries which support us; this is reflected in our policy of re-investing our profits in our employees and our shipyards, to develop and build the facilities and increase capacity.

We are also committed to employing ex-armed forces and providing training opportunities for all of our employees.

A&P Falmouth 2024 Apprenticeship Event

A&P Falmouth Careers Event

Join us at A&P Falmouth on Tuesday 28th of January for our Apprenticeship and Careers Event. This year we will be hosting our open event at our facility: A&P Falmouth | The Docks | Falmouth | Cornwall | TR11 4NR from 4:30pm - 6:30pm.

A&P Falmouth’s award winning apprenticeship programme offers a pathway for candidates aged 16 (no upper limit) across a range of apprenticeships within multiple disciplines including marine engineering, machining, steel fabrication and welding, admin, I.T, procurement, port operations and health & safety.

Download our careers brochure.


Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct focuses on company values, employee relations and a zero-tolerance approach, and summarises what is expected of employees to ensure diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace.

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